Exploring the Tranquil Beauty of the Pannonian Lakes

Nestled in the picturesque region of Eastern Europe, the Pannonian Lakes offer a serene escape into nature’s embrace. These enchanting lakes, scattered across Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, and Romania, beckon travelers with their crystal-clear waters, lush surroundings, and tranquil ambiance. Let’s delve into the allure of the Pannonian Lakes and discover why they are a must-visit … Read more

How Ukraine’s railway system remains operational despite two years of conflict

Ukraine Railway Services are still on despite of the war

In the two years since Russia initiated its attack on Ukraine, the nation has endured profound devastation, including ground invasions and relentless missile assaults that have resulted in the loss of thousands of lives and the destruction of countless communities. Despite this turmoil, however, one aspect of Ukrainian life has remained remarkably resilient: its railway … Read more

Beyond Borders: Embark on an Epic Adventure Exploring the Untamed Beauty of the Caucasus Mountains from Georgia’s Enchanting Gateways

Caucasus trekking

“Dry socks,” Giorgi, my guide, declares with nonchalant wisdom, “the most essential item in your hiker’s arsenal.” I nod, distracted by the dizzying drop off our 4×4 navigates on the way to Juta, a mountain village near the Georgia-Russia border. Potholes threaten, gorges beckon, but Giorgi’s reassurance cuts through the trepidation: “Trust me, the views … Read more

Mysterious Marvel: Delving into Georgia’s Ancient Cave City of Vardzia

Vardzia Cave City

Georgia’s landscape whispers tales of a bygone era, and its cave cities stand as silent guardians of these ancient secrets. While Uplistsikhe whispers of 3,000-year-old kingdoms, David Gareja echoes with 6th-century monastic chants, and Samshvilde’s dwellings lie forgotten, none captivate the soul quite like Vardzia. Carved into the slopes of Mount Erusheti, overlooking the Mtkvari … Read more

Duzdag: Unveiling a Subterranean Health Spa within an Asian Border’s Salt Mine


Nakhchivan, an isolated exclave located approximately 260 miles west of Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, boasts a rich array of historical attractions, ranging from towers and castles to tombs and enchanting wish-making caves. Among these treasures, the prominent centerpiece is the Duzdag salt mine, aptly named “Salt Mountain,” standing out as the largest medical tourism facility in … Read more