Growing Numbers of Travelers Are Exploring Every Country, but Some Are Reconsidering

Travellers are traverlling to this place every year

While many travelers have their own unique bucket lists of destinations, an increasing number are aiming to visit every single country in the world. Although achieving this feat is still relatively rare, with an estimated 400 individuals having accomplished it, the pursuit is growing in popularity. In 2023 alone, a record 50 new entries joined … Read more

Understanding the Rising Global Trend of Tourist Fees and Destinations Behind Paywalls

Increasing tourist fees worldwide

Venice, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its historic canals and islands, is implementing new measures to regulate tourist influx and protect its residents. The city plans to cap tourist groups at 25 people, reduce the use of loudspeakers to minimize disturbances, and introduce a day-tripper entrance fee during peak days between April and … Read more