India Releases Warning Against Traveling to Myanmar’s Rakhine State Amid Escalating Crisis

India Issues Advisory against travelling to MyanmarRakine State

Amidst the escalating tensions in Myanmar, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India has issued a directive urging Indian citizens to refrain from traveling to the Rakhine state. Reports suggest that the MEA has advised Indians currently residing in Rakhine to evacuate the area at the earliest opportunity. In an official release, the MEA … Read more

Disruptions to Cruise Voyages Caused by Escalating Tensions in the Red Sea

red sea disruptive sea voyage cruise

Cruise companies are grappling with disruptions to their voyages amid escalating tensions in the Red Sea. Major operators such as Royal Caribbean, Carnival Corporation, and MSC Cruises have been compelled to either cancel or reroute their voyages to avoid the Red Sea due to heightened threats from the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen. Carnival Corporation … Read more

Swastika Image Defaces Holocaust Memorial in Philadelphia

Swastik painted near holocaust

The Holocaust memorial in Philadelphia, dedicated to educating about the atrocities of the Holocaust, was vandalized with a large swastika image early Sunday morning. The incident is condemned by the Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation as a “disgusting act of antisemitism.” The Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza, completed in 2018, was targeted by an unidentified individual wearing … Read more