The Limitations of AI in Replacing Air Traffic Controllers

Air Traffic Controller

After a series of standard operations, an air traffic controller receives a radio call from a small aircraft indicating uncertainty about the extension of its landing gear. To ensure safety, the controller arranges for a visual inspection by instructing the pilot to fly low by the tower. Following confirmation of the gear’s position, the aircraft … Read more

Airline initiates weighing passengers at the boarding gate

Airline start weighing Passengers

Getting our baggage weighed at airport check-ins is a familiar experience for most travelers. Equally familiar is the “crouch of shame,” that awkward stance when hastily removing something heavy from a bag that’s just a few ounces overweight. But now, in a bold move, some airline passengers are volunteering to step onto the scales themselves … Read more

Flight operations recommence at Naini-Saini airport in Uttarakhand, enhancing connectivity between Kumaon and Garhwal regions

Flight operations restart

After a hiatus of over three years, the Naini-Saini airport in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, has witnessed the resumption of flight operations, signifying a significant milestone for the region. Leading this revival is the aviation firm Flybig, which has introduced a 19-seater aircraft connecting Dehradun and Pithoragarh. The scheduled flights are set to operate three times a … Read more